23-27 SEP 2024
Teachers from five countries came together to participate in an inspiring activity aimed at creating the contents of the Specialized Education Kit for Arts and Literature. This collaborative effort began with a training session hosted by 3 Liceum OgólnoksztaÅ‚cÄ…ce im. Adama Mickiewicza w Tarnowie
"Gender Equality in Literature." These sessions were designed to offer rich learning experiences and were built upon innovative, student-centered teaching strategies. Approaches such as brain-based learning, constructivist learning, project-based learning, research-based learning, and active learning formed the foundation of the training. Furthermore, the program incorporated advanced methodologies like problem-based learning, the learning cycle, multiple intelligence theory, and the 4MAT teaching method to enhance the teachers’ understanding and application of these concepts.
On the second day, the host organization focused on training visual arts teachers specifically on "Gender Equality in Arts." This session was supported by professionals from the partner organizations, ensuring a comprehensive and practical learning experience. Prior to the activity, all participating teachers had completed online training in gender equality, which provided a solid foundation for the work ahead.
During the event, teachers collaborated in groups to develop materials for the training kit, drawing on both their professional expertise and the skills gained during the first two days of the program. An extracurricular activity centered on gender equality in art, known as LMA2, was also planned to be implemented at each partner school. Finally, the group reviewed the "Gender Equality Sensitive European School Guidelines" (IO2) and prepared them for application in the partner schools, ensuring a lasting impact of the project.