22-26 APR 2024
Teachers participating in C1 both got professional development related to gender equality education and they collaborated with their European colleagues to create IO1, they will also improve their capacity for language, communication
The objective of the activity was for the participating teachers to create the resources for the sustainable education kit. Teachers who had already received sustainable gender equality education got ready for the activity by tying their branches to gender equality strategies.
In the first two days, Nazilli Anadolu Lisesi provided training for the participating teachers on topics based on rich learning experiences; free approaches to gender equality education, student-centered teaching strategies, brain-based learning, the learning cycle, multiple intelligence theory, constructivist learning, project-based learning, research-based learning, active learning, and gender equality education were all included.
Nazilli Anadolu Lisesi created the pre-activity training kit template and presented it to the teachers during the activity for the sustainable gender equality kit. Teachers who took part in the activity were separated into groups according to the branch type on the other three days.
The content of the Sustainable Gender Equality Training Kit was developed by participating teachers using the training kit template, their professional expertise in relation to the current course branches, and their professional development.